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Tantra Mothallah, the star at the apex of the constellation known as the "Triangle," is launching an exciting new multiplayer game server that will allow players to compete and rank up to become the "Head of the Triangle."

The server is built around Tantra Mothallah, the only named star in the constellation, whose Arabic name means "the triangle." Players will choose their god and lead teams in battles and quests, with the goal of gaining the most power and influence ...

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Greetings, celestial warriors! The stars have aligned to bring you an exciting opportunity to prove yourself in the mystical realm of Tantra Mothallah. Join us and bring your guildmates as we launch this new server, where you can showcase your skills, talents, and leadership in-game to gain loyal friends and triumph over opponents.

In this server, you will learn how you can roleplay powerful characters inspired by Hindu and some Asian mythology. Forming alliances, conquering territori...

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